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Kansas >  Kansas: August

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2024 KANSAS : AUGUST 2024
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events

(see also: 2019  -  2015)


July 29-August 3, 2024
Douglas County Fair
Lawrence, Kansas


August 1-4, 2024
Sumner County Fair
Caldwell, Kansas
Livestock exhibits; Beef Show; Old Timers Livestock Show; PeeWee Livestock Show; Bucket Calf Show; Swine Show; Sheep Show; Goat Show; Horse Show; Antique Tractor Show & Pull; Kid’s Tractor Pull; Carnival; Czech Kitchen and Beer Garden; much more.

August 2-4, 2024  Cowtown Days Festival - Ellsworth, Kansas
Celebration of the area's cultural heritage. Cowtown Parade, entertainment, re-enactments, food, craft booths and demonstrations.

August 9-11, 2024  Annual Tall Corn Festival - Rossville, Kansas
Rossville's annual harvest celebration has corn eating and corn spitting, the official judging of the tallest corn stalk, plus parades, street dance and much more.

August 23-24, 2024  35th Annual Roots Festival - Paola, Kansas
This is one of the premier BBQ cook-offs on the KCBS circuit. Other great festival attractions included ethnic dancers, arts & crafts, food vendors, a State Championship BBQ Cook-off and for our younger festival goers, great games, fun rides and a creative sidewalk chalk contest!  Attendance: 6,000.

August 23-25, 2024  Flint Hills Beef Fest - Emporia, Kansas
Celebration of the grass cattle industry for which the Flint Hills region of Kansas is known. Blues & Barbecue Cookoff, Ranch Rodeo, Cattle Judging, Cow Chip Toss and Catch.

August 24, 2024  Potwin Watermelon Festival - Potwin, Kansas
The schedule includes a variety show, softball and horseshoe tournaments, arts/crafts/food vendors, poker run, car & motorcycle show, outhouse races, pie in the face contest, fireworks, and free ice cold watermelon!


2019 KANSAS : AUGUST 2019
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events
events waiting for new dates

August 30-Sept 2, 2019  Clyde Watermelon Festival - Clyde, Kansas
The Clyde Watermelon Festival, an annual event for over 110 years, began when watermelons were a choice crop on sandy, river bottom land and could be easily shipped out by rail. Labor Day Weekend.

2015 KANSAS : AUGUST 2015
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events

events waiting for new dates

August 22-23, 2015 - When Pigs Fly BBQ Contest & Fly In
McPherson, Kansas
Bring the kids to the McPherson Airport, there is something for everyone.  Hosted by the McPherson Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee to bring awareness to the agriculture community and to raise funds for the McPherson County Tom Hunter Agriculture Future of America Scholarship.  Since 2002, the event has raised over $50,000 for the Agriculture Future for America Scholarship fund, awarding 23 scholarships to McPherson County students pursuing studies in an agriculture related field. Come out and experience the When Pigs Fly BBQ and Fly In event always held the weekend before Labor Day.



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