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RECIPESSeasonings 2: Magic Dust to Teriyaki >  Marinade, Mediterranean Marinade


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Also see Article: Marinades & Rubs

The below marinade is a distinct Mediterranean marinade minus the soy sauce. I like the taste of the soy sauce but feel free to leave it out and simply add more salt. I particularly like this marinade for grilled vegetables and chicken although it would work well for lamb, sans the soy sauce.

• 1 pint olive oil
• 6 oz. soy sauce
• Juice of 2 lemons
• 4 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 teaspoon chopped rosemary
• Half teaspoon coriander seeds, ground
• Half teaspoon fennel seeds, ground
• Half teaspoon onion powder
• Salt and pepper to taste

Measure the coriander and fennel seeds first and then grind them.

If your coriander and fennel is already ground, use a little less than a half teaspoon.



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