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See Also: Article on Pears;   Facts & Trivia;   Pear Quotes


Unlike most fruit, pears are better when picked hard and unripe. They improve in both texture and flavor after they are picked. Pears ripen from the inside out.

SELECTING - Sweet, succulent pears are perhaps the most glorious of fall fruits. Selecting them can be easy if you consider the following: avoid pears with bruises or cuts and dark brown colors; purchase pears while slightly green because they ripen better and faster off the tree; look for pears with a smooth unblemished skin; ripe ones will yield slightly to gentle pressure at the stem end. If you plan to bake pears, select those that are fairly firm.

STORING - If pears are unripe, place them in a paper bag at room temperature for 2 to 3 days or store them in a ventilated fruit bowl in a cool, dark place, and refrigerate as soon as they ripen. Ripe pears should be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag up to 3 days. They continue to ripen after harvest.

WASH AND EAT - There's no need to peel a pear... their tender, edible skin is an additional source of fiber. A medium sized pear provides 4 grams of fiber, or 16% of the recommended daily value. Always wash all fresh fruits and vegetables before serving. - 5 a Day

  • Try using pear slices on your next grilled chicken sandwich. Use pears where you would use apples
  • When roasting vegetables, add pear slices to the vegetable mix.
  • Toss chopped pears into a chicken, tuna, green, fruit or cottage cheese salad.
  • Sliced thin wedges served with chunks of cheese, smoked turkey and seedless grapes on a skewer make a healthy appetizer or side dish.
  • Use pear slices dipped in lemon as a garnish to jazz up foods.
  • Use baked or broiled pears with a sauce as a light tasty dessert.
  • Take a pear for lunch, either fresh, dried or in a flip top can. Snack with pears during the day.
  • Apples, pears and potatoes dropped in cold, lightly salted water as they are peeled will retain their color.

Nutrition Information
Pears are a good source of Vitamin C and copper, and an excellent source of chromium and dietary fiber.

Nutrition Facts
Serving size 1 pear with skin (200g)
Amount Per Serving & % Daily Value*

    • Calories 120
    • Fat Cal 0
    • Total Fat 1g 2%
    • Saturated Fat 0g 0%
    • Cholesterol 0mg 0%
    • Sodium 0mg 0%
    • Total Carbohydrate 30g 10%
    • Dietary Fiber 5g 21%
    • Protein 1g 2%
    • Chromium 30%
    • Copper 11%
    • Vitamin A 1%
    • Vitamin C 13%
    • Calcium 2%
    • Iron 3%

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.



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