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According to a new survey, while nearly two-thirds of adults (65 percent) report one or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease and 87 percent are at least somewhat concerned that they may develop heart disease, many do not take steps that may help them in the fight against this disease.
The survey of more than 2,000 adults, conducted by Harris Interactive® for Cheerios®, found that 65 percent of U.S. adults reported having a heart disease risk factor, including a family history of high cholesterol (24 percent), high blood pressure (25 percent), smoking (20 percent), or being overweight/obese (35 percent). Despite this, more than one-third of adults (37 percent) have not had their cholesterol checked within the past year and more than half of adults (52 percent) do not exercise regularly (at least three times per week).
As for the reasons why some adults did not have their cholesterol checked, 31 percent cited lack of concern about their cholesterol levels, while one in five adults (21 percent) cited lack of health insurance as a barrier to getting screened. Those with limited access to adequate healthcare may not get regular cholesterol screenings and thus are at an even greater risk of heart disease.
Additionally, women are more likely than men to feel it is extremely or very important to raise awareness about heart disease (86% vs. 75%, respectively). Wondering how you can help? Now through January 31st, 2010, for every code entered at www.cheerioshelpinghearts.com, Cheerios will donate $1, up to $200,000, to raise awareness for heart disease and provide free cholesterol screenings for women in need, through its partnership with WomenHeart. Codes will be featured inside specially marked boxes of Cheerios cereal.
Cheerios Circle of Helping Hearts- add one
“It is important for Americans, especially women who are at the most risk for heart disease, to be provided with the ability to have their cholesterol screened even if they do not have health insurance,” said Jeff Hingher, Cheerios Marketing. “We are dedicated to increasing awareness and providing funding to resources such as WomenHeart for cholesterol screenings and education for women in need.”
Everyone can lower their risk of heart disease by taking simple steps each day, such as choosing foods like Cheerios that are part of a heart-healthy diet and getting the recommended amount of physical activity. For more information on the Cheerios Circle of Helping Hearts program visit www.cheerioshelpinghearts.com
About WomenHeart
WomenHeart: the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease is the nation's only patient advocacy organization representing the eight million women living with heart disease. It aims to improve their quality of life and healthcare through support, information and advocacy. For more information, visit http://www.womenheart.org
Survey Methodology
This Heart Health and Cholesterol survey was conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Cheerios. All data collection was done online within the United States between January 9 and January 13, 2009 among 2,416 adults ages 18+, of whom, 1,207 are women, 1,209 are men, and 1,038 have not had their cholesterol level checked within the past year. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables, please contact Allison Greco or Kim Bow Sundy.
About Cheerios
Cheerios, America's No. 1 cereal, debuted in 1941 as Cheerioats. The nation's first ready-to-eat oat cereal has since become one of the most trusted and recognized brands in America. In fact, one of every 10 boxes of cereal sold in America is a box of Cheerios. General Mills' popular franchise includes Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Frosted Cheerios, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, MultiGrain Cheerios, Berry Burst Cheerios, Fruity Cheerios, Cheerios Crunch, Yogurt Burst Cheerios and Banana Nut Cheerios. For more information, go to www.cheerios.com.
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