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June 2013.
Enhance Your Health with Quality Dairy Products
What is it about dairy that makes people beeline it for the cheese station? Does it have to do with all of the varied textures -- smooth, crumbly, creamy, dry, hard? Is it the extensive range of flavors -- pungent parmesan, mild ricotta, briny feta, rich goat cheese? What is it that speaks to the very depth of our taste buds’ soul? One thing is for sure: when the pinnacle of taste and quality unite, like in Karoun Dairies’ 100 -- yes, 100! -- different types of specialty cheeses, there’s no sauntering to the table. With National Dairy Month in June, Karoun is primed to provide a buffet of nutritious dairy products that inspire no less than a swarm of dairy enthusiasts.
From string cheese to ghee, Karoun Dairies has been crafting the finest quality cheeses, yogurts, and savory dairy products in eclectic varieties for over 20 years. With products based in Mediterranean, Hispanic, Indian, Armenian, Russian, and European traditions, Karoun provides a rich smorgasbord from which to select your favorite party dish or even a key healthy meal ingredient. In fact, picking out a tasty cheese to support your diet actually offers benefits beyond simply satisfying your palate; quality dairy can act as a passport to health and longevity.
Thanks to their dairy-filled diet, a little island off of Greece has some of the healthiest, longest-living folks in the world[1]. Apparently, just a little feta goes a long way. But, the universe of delicious, nutritious cheese is so much bigger than just the familiar genres like feta. So which type do you choose? Fortunately for your taste buds, all of Karoun’s dairy products are free of unnatural thickeners, stabilizers, fillers, and the rBST growth hormone, so your health-attuned conscience can give in to your yen. But, if you’re really not sure how to decide, here are some nutrition-packed mouth waterers to get you started:
Karoun’s Goat Basket Feta’s are hand pressed and made with pasteurized goat milk, salt, and non-animal Kosher rennet. Goat cheese happens to be lower in fat, calories, and cholesterol than cow’s milk[2]. As well as higher in protein and easily digestible; so many lactose-intolerant dairy lovers are able to easily process goat cheese[3]. Karoun’s Goat Basket Feta is the perfect addition to salads, added as the finishing touch to gourmet soups, or a star player when crumbled onto some tasty pizza. Truly, with a cheese this versatile, the possibilities are endless.
Karoun’s Gopi Paneer is a firm, pale yellow cheese that, like goat cheese, is high in protein, vitamin B12, potassium, and calcium[4]. Just one serving of Karoun’s Gopi Paneer delivers 20% of your daily value for calcium (based on a 2,000 calorie diet). Paneer is an Indian cheese that is commonly curried with vegetables. It can also be marinated, barbecued, and used in sweet desserts. . . yum!
Queso Del Valle, Queso Fresco is the most popular cheese in Latin cuisine because its light, savory flavor enhances just about any dish. Usually sprinkled on top of meals like parmesan or stuffed into chilies, it is another high protein source and contains loads of calcium[5]. This delightful, light cheese is perfect for summer time gatherings if you want to add a hint of salty and buttery flavors to your meal.
You can check out Karoun’s amazing array of 100 different types of specialty cheeses and yogurts on the website, karouncheese.com
About Karoun Dairies, Inc.
Founded in 1992, Karoun is a family-run business reflecting fulfillment of the American dream. The company has continued to grow from creating hand braided String Cheese for local ethnic and specialty grocery stores, to producing a wide variety of Mediterranean specialty cheeses and yogurt products with nationwide mainstream distribution. All Karoun cheeses are natural and handmade using only milk from cows that are free from growth hormones, BGH/rBST, and are Real California Milk certified. All Karoun’s yogurt products (yogurt, kefir cheese (Labne) and sour cream) are all natural and OU Kosher certified.
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