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United States Food Festival Section:  Listed by State & Month

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UNITED STATESArkansas >  Arkansas: July Festivals

ARKANSAS:  January, February, March  -  April  -  May  -  June  -  JULY  -  August  -  September  -  October  -  November & December

Check previous year if event is not yet updated to current year

Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events

(see also: 2014  -  2012


July 4, 2024  4TH OF JULY

Virtually every community in the U.S. has a 4th of July celebration.

July 12, 2024
22nd Annual Art of Wine Festival
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Good food, good friends and good wine--all the ingredients necessary for an entertaining evening out.

July 18-20, 2024 - Annual Johnson County Peach Festival
Clarksville, Arkansas
The oldest outdoor festival in Arkansas. Peach eating contest and a peach cobbler, jam and jelly bake-off; gospel music on Court Square, arts and crafts, 4 mile run, frog jump contest and more!

July 25-27, 2024  Annual Cave City Watermelon Festival
Cave City, Arkansas
Entertainment, parade, contests, and a watermelon feast. A rind thumpin' good time!

July 26-27, 2024  41st Annual Altus Grape Fest - Altus, Arkansas
Come join the fun in Altus, the Arkansas Wine Capital. Grape stomp contests, Bacchus look-alike contest, fireworks, street dance, grape pie-eating contest, wine making contests and more!

2014 ARKANSAS: JULY 2014
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events

events still waiting for new dates

July 2-13, 2014 - Fleur Delicious Weekend
Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Fleur Delicious Weekend is a Celebration of all the Senses: Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste and Touch. A French themed weekend with a street fair atmosphere where lodging, boutiques, spas, restaurants, bars, art galleries, and music venues participate with French inspired indulgences in Food, Wine, Spririts, Art and Entertainment.

July 19, 2014  Bucks, Ducks and BBQ Cook-Off - Conway, Arkansas
Due to circumstances out of our control, we will no longer be able to produce and promote the Arkansas Outdoors Expo. We would like for another group of motivated individuals to take over what we started and continue to grow the show.

2012 ARKANSAS: JULY 2012
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events

events still waiting for new dates

July 14, 2012  Grapes, Grains, and Growls - Little Rock, Arkansas
Over 100 different wines and about 100 different beers will be available for sampling. Proceeds will benefit the Pulaski County Humane Society and the North Little Rock Friends of Animals.



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