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Back to the Family by Art Smith
Pizza is one of my favorite foods and brings back so many wonderful memories. Here is a simple recipe that makes a great crispy crust. Pizza dough is best when you allow it to rest overnight before you roll it out.
Makes 4 Pizza Shells


    • 1 cup warm water, 95 to 115 degrees
    • 2 teaspoons active dry yeast
    • 2 teaspoons honey
    • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
    • 3½ cups all-purpose or multigrain flour
    • Pinch of kosher salt


1. In a food processor, combine the warm water, yeast, honey, and olive oil and mix well. Process until the yeast dissolves and the mixture is bubbly.

2. Add the flour and pulse. Add a pinch of salt and pulse again. Run the food processor until the dough makes a ball.

3. Remove and place on a lightly floured surface and knead for 2 minutes.

Place in a lightly greased bowl, cover well, and refrigerate overnight.

5. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide into 4 pieces. Roll into 4 small pizzas.


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