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RECIPESSalad RecipesFruit Salads 'A' to 'F' pg 1 >  Fruit Ambrosia Salad


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Description: Fruit Ambrosia Salad in Pineapple Bird

Servings: 1   

1/2 Pineapple
Oranges -- 5/8" dice
Apples -- 5/8" dice
Pineapple -- 5/8" dice
Cantalope -- 5/8" dice
Honeydew -- 5/8" dice
Watermelon -- 5/8" dice
Grapes, Red And Green
Strawberries, 1 Or Two

1/2 Banana
1 Melon Ring (1 ring shaped slice from a melon half)
1 Scoop Sherbet

See: Ambrosia Sauce For Fruit Salad Recipe

Split pineapple lengthwise leaving top on.
Using grapefruit knife, remove fruit to within 1/2" of skin.
Remove core and dice meat.
Add diced pineapple to Fruit Salad Mix.

Mix diced fruits and grapes with Ambrosia Sauce.

Fill Pineapple Half with fruit mix. Top with melon ring.

Put a scoop of Sherbet in melon ring.

Cut banana in half. Use 2 cloves for eyes, and attach Banana to end of Pineapple (opposite top) with frill pick so banana extends over edge, like a neck and head.


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