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United States Food Festival Section: Listed by State & Month

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Mississippi >  Mississippi: January to May

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MISSISSIPPIJanuary, February, March, April & May  -  June & July

August & September   -   October   -   November & December

2025 Mississippi: January to May 2025
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events

(see also: 2024  -  2023  -  2022  -  2020  -  2018  -  2016)


January 16-18, 2025
NBBQA Regional Meat-Up (Mini-Conference)
Ocean Springs, Mississippi
This will be the first of several MEAT UP events or mini-conferences. This new format will still feature educational sessions and sponsored booths from partnering companies as well as multiple networking opportunities but at a significantly reduced cost for attendees and sponsors.  This event will include educational seminars, networking opportunities, and all the business-building exercises that NBBQA is renowned for, but at a much lower cost for our members and attendees.

January 31-February 1, 2025  Gulf Coast Watermelon Association Annual Convention - Biloxi, Mississippi
(Formerly the Alabama Watermelon Association)

February 14, 2025 - VALENTINE'S DAY - Nationwide

February 15-22, 2025 - National FFA Week - Nationwide
The week of George Washington's birthday as National FFA Week in recognition of his legacy as an agriculturist and farmer.

March 3-7, 2025 - National School Breakfast Week - Nationwide
School Nutrition Association.  'Make the Grade with School Breakfast.'

March 18, 2025 - 'AgDay' National Agriculture Day - Nationwide
A day to recognize & celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture.


April 23-27, 2025  32nd Annual Crawfish Music Festival
Biloxi, Mississippi
Cookin' up over 20,000 lbs. of cajun mudbugs! Ay-Yee! Plus the Crawfish Cookoff the second Saturday. Locals competed for cash, the coveted Budweiser Trophies, and bragging rights! Folks purchase a Tasting Ticket, try them all, then cast their vote for the People's Choice Winner. Then a select group of MudBug Experts taste all the entries and through a points-system determine the Judge's Championship. Concerts, Midway Rides, etc.

May 2, 2025 - School Lunch Hero Day - Nationwide
A chance to showcase the difference school nutrition professionals make for every child who comes through the cafeteria.

May 11, 2025  MOTHER'S DAY - Nationwide
Most restaurants in the U.S. have special events scheduled for today. They are too numerous to list.

2024 Mississippi: January to May 2024
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

April 6, 2024  48th Annual World Catfish Festival - Belzoni, Mississippi
The Catfish Capital of the World. Crowning of Miss Catfish, Catfish Eating Contest, Catfish on Parade, music, arts, crafts. (also: )

May 4, 2024  Annual Sante South Food and Wine Festival
Jackson, Mississippi
Santé South has grown into the largest wine and culinary extravaganza in the state of Mississippi. A signature for the capital city of Jackson, it has generated more than $450,000 in proceeds for the Alzheimer’s Association | Mississippi Chapter. Truly Mississippi’s top luxury wine and food experience! Epicureans and connoisseurs in the greater Southeast revel in the fresh and flavorful cuisine. Only small production and boutique wineries are invited to Santé South.

May 9, 2024  Taste of Ocean Springs Food & Wine Festival
Ocean Springs, Mississippi
Prepare for an unforgettable culinary experience! Brace yourself for a delectable adventure as downtown transforms into a culinary haven from 6-8 p.m. Envision a vibrant atmosphere lit by enchanting white lights, with elegant tablecloths setting the stage for an evening of pure indulgence.  Dive into a world of flavor where the town's culinary maestros will vie for your taste buds' affection. Picture yourself strolling through a feast for the senses as local restaurants pull out all the stops to showcase their most exquisite creations.  Get ready to cast your vote for the dish that leaves your palate singing.

2023 Mississippi: January to May 2023
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

May 5-7, 2023  Art, Wine and Wheels - Ridgeland, Mississippi
Art, Wine and Wheels brings together three of Ridgeland’s signature events to create one epic weekend of cultural and outdoor experiences. Visitors can partake in the Ridgeland Fine Arts Festival, Sante South Wine Festival and the Natchez Trace Century Ride, Mississippi’s premier cycling event.

2022 Mississippi: January to May 2022
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events

events waiting for new dates

February 5, 2022 - NBBQA Whole Hog Event - Byhalia, Mississippi

March 7-11, 2022 - National School Breakfast Week - Nationwide
School Nutrition Association.  'Make the Grade with School Breakfast.'

March 22, 2022 - 'AgDay' National Agriculture Day - Nationwide
A day to recognize & celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture.

April 22, 2022 - Earth Day - Worldwide
More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.

2020 Mississippi: January to May 2020
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events

events waiting for new dates

May 21-July 31, 2020  Southern Alliance Virtual Field Trip
University, Mississippi
SFA Virtual Field Trip: Cajun Country.  Our 3-part plan takes you through Cajun Country. Listen to five new stories on our Gravy podcast, use our new app to plan your next road trip, and explore the new oral histories we’re adding to our collection.

2018 Mississippi: January to May 2018
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

March 16-17, 2018 - 27th Annual Hog Wild BBQ Festival
Corinth, Mississippi
This competition 'pits' some of the best cooking teams around in a tasty barbecue contest. The Hog Wild BBQ Festival is held in historic downtown Corinth each year on the first weekend of October. The entertainment and cooking contest venue is located at the corner of Fillmore Street and Cruise Street.  BBQ Fun, Live Entertainment, a Carnival, Games & Fun for the entire family.


2016 Mississippi: January to May 2016
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events

events still waiting for new dates

April 24, 2016  Annual Taste of DeSoto - Southhaven, Mississippi
This annual food tasting event showcases awesome cuisine of over 40 area restaurants, complete with a silent auction and live entertainment. The Taste of DeSoto benefits the American Liver Foundation and local charities.  Last year we had over 1500 attendees for this popular event.

May 7, 2016 - 7th Annual BBQ Challenge - Lucedale, Mississippi
The George County Fire Fighter Association will be hosting its annual BBQ Challenge. There will be a car/ bike show, arts & crafts, live entertainment, space jumps, dunkin’ booth and food vendors.



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