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United States Food Festival Section: Listed by State & Month

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New York >  NY: January Festivals

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 NEW YORKJANUARY  -  February  -  March  -  April  -  May  -  June

July  -  August  -  September  -  October  -  November  -  December

2025 NEW YORK - JANUARY 2025
(see also: 2022  -  2021  -  2020  -  2019  -  2015)


January 16, 2025
New York Corn & Soybean Winter Expo
Syracuse, New York
A fast and furious look at core financial management practices and the commitment to continous improvement.

January 21-February 9, 2025
NYC Restaurant Week
New York, New York
NYC Restaurant Week is a celebration of NYC’s most fabulous pastime: dining out. With hundreds of restaurants throughout the City rolling out special prix-fixe menus for a limited time, this is your chance to revel without a cause.

January 25, 2025 - New York Craft Brewers Festival - Albany, New York
New York State Craft Brewers Festivals feature unique and award-winning beers from every region of the state and offer an opportunity to meet the people who craft the beer you love. Brewers and Brewery owners pour at the evens.

January 25-26, 2025 - New York Travel & Adventure Show
New York, New York
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.  You’ll discover thousands of vacation options from the top destinations, tour operators and travel providers from around the globe, and meet with travel experts who are on-hand to help you plan and book your trip.


2022 NEW YORK - JANUARY 2022
events waiting for new dates

January 29, 2022  Beer, Bourbon & BBQ Festival - Brooklyn, New York
Beer sippin', bourbon tastin', music listenin', cigar smokin', and barbeque eatin'.

2021 NEW YORK - JANUARY 2021
events waiting for new dates

January 29-31, 2021  NY Times Travel Show - New York, New York
EVENT HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED.  After 17 wonderful years, The New York Times has made the decision to discontinue the Travel Show.

2020 NEW YORK - JANUARY 2020
events waiting for new dates

January 7, 2020 - Galette des Rois Celebration - New York, New York
Start le nouvel an the French way at our Galette des Rois celebration!  Celebrate the new year with a slice of galette des rois, a glass of cider, and savory bites. Financier Patisserie is making their signature galette party-sized especially for FIAF Members and friends. The cake will be served alongside a savory buffet of French favorites from Le District.  Dating back to the middle ages, the galette des rois is a treat traditionally served only during the month of January. Literally the "Kings’ cake," this almond-flavored puff pastry confection contains a small, porcelain charm, or fève. Find the fève, and you’ll be crowned king or queen for the day!  Attendees must be 21+.

2019 NEW YORK - JANUARY 2019
events waiting for new dates

January 19-Feb 3, 2019 - 4th Annual Valrhona Hot Chocolate Festival
New York, New York
After the success of last year’s hot chocolate celebration, Valrhona is excited to announce the 4th edition of the Valrhona Hot Chocolate Festival in NYC, Montréal, Québec, and for the first time Chicago.  On January 19 through February 3, Restaurants, Bakeries, and Chocolatiers from New York and Chicago will be participating in the festival, promoting artisanal and premium hot chocolate and raising money for Food Tank, a non-profit organization that is fighting against food waste and pushing for food system change. Montréal and Québec city proceeds will benefit La Tablée des Chefs, a non-profit organization who feeds families in need and develops future generations culinary education.  These establishments will create and sell unique hot chocolates at their locations featuring Valrhona chocolate. A portion of the proceeds ($0.50cts) of each hot chocolate sold will go to support the Food Tank Organization and La Tablée des Chefs.

January 24, 2019 - Beer & BBQ - Lawrence, New York
Chef George Hirsch and Scott Franklin, East Region Director for ANGELS ENVY (R) Bourbon will be hosting "Bourbon & BBQ", at 7:00 p.m. at Temple Israel of Lawrence, 140 Central Avenue, lawrence, N.Y.  Scott Franklin will discuss the history of bourbon, it's growth in popularity and he will have all three ANEGLS ENVY (R) Bourbons  (Port Finish, Rum Finish and Cask Strength), available for tasting.  This special event is open to the public, cost is $20.00/person. Advance registration by January 17 is required. Please call the Temple Israel Office at (516) 239-1140.


2015 NEW YORK - JANUARY 2015
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events

events waiting for new dates

January 9-31, 2015 - The Food Design Show - Bronx, New York
The Bronx River Art Center (BRAC) is pleased to announce its next exhibition, The Food Design Show - Food as Molecular Gastronomy, Artifact & Biosensor.  The Food Design Show addresses the content, or "container," of our sensory experiences and the act of food consumption through the eyes of artists.  The exhibit seeks to break the boundaries of past limitations of how food is thought of (its culinary science) by addressing it through the lens of the visual arts and curatorial practice. Here, food is designed as molecular gastronomy, artifact and bio-sensory experience.



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