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United States Food Festival Section: Listed by State & Month

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Wisconsin >  Wisconsin: July Festivals

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WISCONSIN:  January/February   -   March   -   April   -   May   -   June

JULY   -   August   -   September   -   October   -   November/December

2025 WISCONSIN - JULY 2025
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events

(see also: 2024  -  2023  -  2022  -  2017)


July 4, 2025
U.S. Independence Day

There are so many events on this day that they are too numerous to list. Virtually every community in the U.S. has a 4th of July celebration.

July 25-27, 2025
Annual Taste of Wisconsin
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Eat! Drink! Repeat!  Taste of Wisconsin brings the tastes, flavors and cultures of Wisconsin together in one amazing three-day celebration on Kenosha's breathtaking lakeshore. Savor the flavors of more than 40 specialty food and beverage vendors, all serving up true Wisconsin specialties to satisfy even the most discerning appetites! Also enjoy four stages of live music, culinary demonstrations, nutrition seminars, special exhibits and fun children's activities. FREE ADMISSION!

2024 WISCONSIN - JULY 2024
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

July 3-7, 2024 - Marquette County Fair - Westfield , Wisconsin

July 12-14, 2024  52nd Annual Trempealeau Lions Catfish Days
Trempealeau, Wisconsin
The Tempealeau Lions host this annual family event that has concessions, food & music and a carnival for three days.  Other things available are:  Bike tour, motorcycle tour, 5-10k walk/run, bass & walleye tournament, variety show, arts & crafts, flea market, car show, softball tournament, kids tent, volley ball tournament, parade and fire works.


July 18-20, 2024  Port Fish Days - Port Washington, Wisconsin
The Non-Profit Port Fish Day Festival encompasses the community of Port Washington at every level.  With 3 days packed full of incredible events, great food, vendors, and entertainment for all ages. • Seniors & Veterans Fish Fry • Teen & Family Night • Fishmas Eve • Fish Day Parade • Portal Fish Day Run, Walk, & Roll • Beer Garden, Art & Crafts Show, Family Zone • Car Show • Main Stage, Fish, Food, Beer, Music, Veterans Park • Watch Party & Fireworks • Fish Day just got BIGGER THAN EVER!

July 19-21, 2024  Wannigan Days - St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin
Taylor Falls, MN and St Croix Falls, WI. 'Wannigan' is an Indian word for a lumberman's floating cook shack. Events include the Interstate Wannigan Parade, street dance, touring 1855 Folsom House Museum, riverboat cruises, tug of war across the St. Croix River, food, music, craft fair and more. (also: )

July 19-21, 2024  Deer Fest - Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Whether you are a hard core deer hunter or just a casual whitetail enthusiast there will be something for everyone--from the “World’s Largest Deer Store” to celebrity appearances, exhibits, shooting contest and demonstrations to hundreds of huge whitetail mounts and “Deer Theater” along with all the food and drink you care to enjoy.

July 20, 2024  Annual Burger Bash - Eagle River, Wisconsin
Downtown Eagle River, from 10am – 4pm.  This event boasts family fun for all – music, arts and crafts show,  sidewalk sales, burger cooking contest, great home grilled burgers for you to eat and beverages to enjoy as well as many backyard games for you to play such as Cornhole, Giant Jenga, Rock Climbing Wall and more.

July 23-28, 2024  Rock County 4-H Fair - Janesville, Wisconsin
The oldest 4-H fair in the United States, the Rock County 4-H Fair has plenty to offer. From the numerous animals to the carnival and every unique exhibit in between, the Fair allows visitors to experience the many projects and learn from the county's youth. The Fair is constantly evolving; showcasing amazing entertainment on its main stage and a variety of activities for the whole family to enjoy year after year.

July 25, 2024  The Big Seafood Festival - Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Join us for an evening of music, fish and seafood delicacies on the water at The Wharf in Manitowoc. Supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters.

July 25-26, 2024  Beer Garden - Jackson, Wisconsin
Jackson Park.  Live music, great beer variety, Hard Seltzers, and food.

July 25-28, 2024  60th Iron River Lions Blueberry Festival
Iron River, Wisconsin
Held at Moon Lake Park--rides, crafts, food, games, pie eating contest, live music, parade and more.

July 26-28, 2024  German Fest - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Grab a stein and cool off with your favorite brew at North America's largest annually held German festival! Indulge in German cuisine and watch craftsmen demonstrate Old World artistry.  Attendance: 80,000.

July 27, 2024  14th Annual Milwaukee Brewfest - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee will host the Annual Milwaukee Brewfest featuring over 100 breweries from all over the United States. Back by popular demand, the Milwaukee Brewfest will continue to have special German, Cider and Mead Rows!  Enjoy live musical performances as well as great food from local restaurants and vendors.  Milwaukee Brewfest takes place at the Old Coast Guard Pavilion of McKinley Park on Milwaukee's Eastside offering beautiful views of Lake Michigan and the McKinley Marina.  The event will take place from 3PM-7PM, with VIP ticket holders allowed early admission at 2 PM to sample select limited edition and otherwise rare brews during that hour.

2023 WISCONSIN - JULY 2023
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

July 29, 2023  Milwaukee Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Plaza at Fiserv Forum.  Food Truck Festivals of America.  Featuring some of the area's most popular food trucks dishing out fan favorites and more!  Offering dozens of regional and national craft brews.

2022 WISCONSIN - JULY 2022
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

July 16, 2022  Bake Sale and Chicken-Que - Fountain City, Wisconsin
FarmFest Club Chicken-Que and Bake Sale.

2017 WISCONSIN - JULY 2017
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

July 15-16, 2017 - Old Fashioned Farm Fair - Mukuwonago, Wisconsin
Kids of all ages are invited to the fair to play old fashioned games like cloths pin in a bottle, needle in a haystack or participate in the ever-popular pie eating contest.  Take a pony ride or train ride aboard the East Troy Electric Railroad.  Enjoy the fair's farm-fresh roasted corn, grilled brats & hot dogs, ice cream in hand rolled waffle cones, caramel corn and much more.

July 22, 2017  Coon Creek Trout Fest - Coon Valley, Wisconsin
The festival will include fly fishing and tying demonstrations, lessons, a trout derby, quiet water sports, raffles, booths with artists, vendors, guides, crafts and food. There will also be a classic car show and musical entertainment throughout the day.

July 23, 2017  10th Annual Big Taste Milwaukee - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Attendees will enjoy all-inclusive food from twenty-plus Milwaukee area restaurants ... all while taking in spectacular views of Festa Italiana's finale fireworks display from the lakefront terrace at Pier Wisconsin.  Milwaukee's top chefs will once again be dishing out small plate sample portions of their most popular menu items for you to indulge in.



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