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New Hampshire >  N Hampshire: July & August

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NEW HAMPSHIRE:   January, February, March & April  -  May, June

JULY & AUGUST  -  September, October  -  November, December


2024 NEW HAMPSHIRE: July & August 2024
Food, Wine, Beer & Agricultural Events

(see also: 2023  -  2022  -  2016  -  2015  -  2014)


July 4, 2024  4TH OF JULY

There are so many events on this day that they are too numerous to list. Virtually every community in the U.S. has a 4th of July celebration.

August 18, 2024
New Hampshire Food Truck Festival
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
The Annual New Hampshire Food Truck Festival is returning! The food trucks will dish out amazing meals and Redhook Brewery will supply ales and beers. Children's activities will also be on site.

August 29-September 2, 2024  Hopkinton State Fair
Contoocook, New Hampshire
The annual fair will include livestock exhibits, home & garden exhibits, family farm museum, petting farm, grandstand entertainment, and the Mac & the Big Cheese Ultimate Outdoor Cooking comedic cooking show.

2023 NEW HAMPSHIRE: July & August 2023
Food, Wine, Beer & Agricultural Events
waiting for new dates

July 13, 2024  9th Annual Keep NH Brewing Festival
Concord, New Hampshire
Featuring the largest collection of NH craft breweries at any Brewfest in the state and is the perfect opportunity to taste the best NH has to offer.  This one-of-a-kind event is "For the Brewers, By the Brewers," meaning run by and in support of the NH craft beer industry, and will bring together over 50 NH brewers showcasing 120+ NH craft beers.  Kiwanis Riverfront Waterfront Park behind the Everett Arena in Concord.


July 21-23, 2023  The Great American Ribfest
Merrimack, New Hampshire
Taking place at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery in Merrimack NH, the outdoor Great American Ribfest & Food Truck Festival will feature great food, great live music, great beer, and great fun – all to support the Merrimack Rotary Club!

July 29, 2023  24th Annual Chocolate Fest
Waterville Valley, New Hampshire
Waterville Valley Resort’s Annual Chocolate Fest  from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. A variety of unique chocolate treats will be sold in the center of Town Square. You can also test your taste buds in the Name that Candy Bar Contest. Both are accompanied by live music on the Gazebo Stage.

2022 NEW HAMPSHIRE: July & August 2022
Food, Wine, Beer & Agricultural Events
waiting for new dates

August 19-21, 2022  Hancock Old Home Day Weekend
Hancock, New Hampshire
Hancock has celebrated Old Home Day for more than 120 years. The celebration includes the Hancock Town Picnic and a parade. Townspeople see the gathering as a way to encourage others who have moved away to come back and visit. Apparently, other people in the state thought it was a good idea as well. Today, invitations are sent out across the country to relatives and New Hampshire descendants to return for the statewide celebration. In 1899, New Hampshire Governor Frank Rollins made Old Home Day a state holiday.


2016 NEW HAMPSHIRE: July & August 2016
Food, Wine, Beer & Agricultural Events

waiting for new dates

August 6, 2016 - Temple Wilton Community Farm Dinner
Wilton, New Hampshire
Temple Wilton Community Farm Dinner: The Farmers Dinner; along with support from High Mowing School, will be hosting a stunning farm to table dinner in Frye Field at High Mowing School. All of the proceeds will be donated to Temple Wilton Community Farm for their “Purchase The Four Corner's Farm” project. Since 1986 Temple Wilton Community Farm has been the longest running CSA farm in the country.


2015 NEW HAMPSHIRE: July & August 2015
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events

waiting for new dates

August 23, 2015 - Festival of Earthly Delights
North Haverhill, New Hampshire
Sample from over twently-five local artisan cheese makers, restaurants, small farms and from nine local breweries and wineries. Live music and entertainment for the entire family. Rain or shine event with free parking. Tickets $20 food, $25 food & drink.


2014 NEW HAMPSHIRE: July & August 2014
Food, Wine, Beer & Agricultural Events

waiting for new dates

July 12, 2014  4th Annual Art, Wine and Cheese
Waterville Valley, New Hampshire
A lively afternoon filled with works by local and regional artists, live music, sampling of wines from our own Waterville Valley eateries, and cheese tasting sponsored by Cabot Creamery. Artwork in a variety of media, donated by local and regional artists, will be auctioned off to benefit the art and science education programs of the Margret and H.A. Rey Center.

July 26, 2014  Carroll County Farm Day - Ossipee, New Hampshire
There will be no Farm Day Celebration in 2015, but check back with us in 2016!



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