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Oklahoma >  Oklahoma: May & June Festivals

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OKLAHOMAJanuary / April  -   MAY & JUNE  -  July & August

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2025 OKLAHOMA: MAY and JUNE 2025

(See also: 2024  -  2020  -  2019  -  2017)


May 2, 2025
School Lunch Hero Day
A chance to showcase the difference school nutrition professionals make for every child who comes through the cafeteria.

May 11, 2025  MOTHER'S DAY

Most restaurants in the U.S. have special events scheduled for today. They are too numerous to list.

June 7-8, 2025  Big Bass Bash Tournament - Grand Lake, Oklahoma
The leader in Big Bass Tournaments.  Over $200,000 Guaranteed Payout, 1st place is $50,000.

2024 OKLAHOMA: MAY and JUNE 2024
events waiting for new dates

May 4, 2024 - 36th Annual Burger Day Festival - El Reno, Oklahoma
The Burger Day Festival is a tribute to the fried onion hamburger, cooked daily in El Reno since the early 1900’s. Ross Davis, who owned and operated the Hamburger Inn on Route 66 in Downtown El Reno, began making fried onion hamburgers in the twenties during the Depression, when onions were cheap and meat was expensive. Today's festival includes a giant 10-foot fried onion burger, music, a car show, and more!   Attendance: 25,000.

May 10-11, 2024 - 52nd Annual McAlester Italian Festival
McAlester, Oklahoma
Starting on Saturday at 9am with the arts and crafts booths inside the Expo Center. Whether their hand made or custom from the heart these booths will have you coming back for more. Make your way over to the bounce houses and the bungee trampoline. Purchase your meal ticket and head on into the spaghetti tent to have all of your Italian senses satisfied. After you have stuffed yourself on the great Italian meal browse through the other outdoor activities while enjoying the sound of a live band on the main stage.  Hear the joyous laughter at the carnival rides. Make your way down the midway try your luck at popping the balloons, or knocking over the milk cans. Ride the Carousel and let the sound of the calliope take you back to your childhood while enjoying it with your own kids, along with many other rides and attractions.

May 11, 2024  77th Annual Stilwell Strawberry Festival
Stilwell, Oklahoma
The annual festival will feature the Strawberry Queen contest, recipe contest, berry auction, concert, 5k run, parade, and fresh Adair County strawberries.


May 16-19, 2024  Annual Rooster Days - Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Oklahoma’s longest continuous running festival, in Broken Arrow. Experience all the traditional festival fanfare you’ve come to expect from this longstanding tradition and so much more. Check back soon for live entertainment lineups, Miss Chick pageant details, vendor information, and news and announcements about Oklahoma’s oldest festival.  Attendance: 40,000.

May 25-26, 2024  33rd Annual Chuck Wagon Festival
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
National Cowboy Museum.  A celebration of Western and Native American history, art and cuisine for all ages. The Chuck Wagon Festival will include Liichokoshkomo’, the Museum’s newest interactive outdoor addition showcasing the diversity of the West with inter-tribal native dwellings, a pioneer village and interactive natural history features.

June 1, 2024  31st Annual Ponca City Herb Festival
Ponca City, Oklahoma
The Ponca City Herb Festival is held the first Saturday of June each year. Centrally located in Ponca City, the festival is set in the Lester and Mary Cann Memorial Gardens.  More than 100 vendors from Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Colorado and Arkansas bring their plants, primitive birdhouses, yard and garden ornaments, quilts, herbal vinegars and oils, handmade baskets, candles, soaps, furniture, stoneware and much more. Seminars for those wanting to know more about herbs, horticulture and outdoor design. Expect sessions on growing and using herbs, garden recipes, wildflowers, herbal teas and bath products, roses and landscaping.

June 8, 2024  Annual Ice Cream Festival - Chandler, Oklahoma
The Chandler Ice Cream Festival is an annual event held in honor of Chandler’s Hiland Dairy. Spend the afternoon enjoying endless scoops of FREE delicious ice cream, live entertainment and family friendly activities.

June 27-29, 2024  Bixby Green Corn Festival - Bixby, Oklahoma
A kick back to the good old fashioned family oriented picnic, the annual festival features great music, arts and crafts, food, and carnival, as well as games and contests for the young and young at heart. A talent show to highlight area youth is held on Friday at the Community Center and the annual Green Corn Parade entertains the masses on Saturday morning.

2020 OKLAHOMA: MAY and JUNE 2020

events waiting for new dates

June 27, 2020  Ales & Tails Crawfish Fest - Vinita, Oklahoma
The annual Ales & Tails Crawfish Festival is Oklahoma’s largest crawfish and Red Dirt festival Gates will open at 5 p.m. for a night featuring heaping plates of crawfish and live music by three of the hottest names in the Red Dirt genre.

2019 OKLAHOMA: MAY and JUNE 2019

events waiting for new dates

June 1, 2019  40th Annual World's Largest Calf Fry Festival & Cook-Off
Vinita, Oklahoma
Calf fries, a.k.a. Rocky Mountain oysters, are actually fried calves' testicles. Some 2,000 pounds of them are dished out at this festival each year. Other foods that are served and judged are beans, cobblers, salsa and bread.


2017 OKLAHOMA: MAY and JUNE 2017

events still waiting for new dates

June 23-24, 2017  7th Annual Hog Wild BBQ & Chrome Fest
Chandler, Oklahoma
The Oklahoma State KCBS Championship event will include People's Choice BBQ tasting, music, car & bike show, kid activities, vendors galore, fireworks, and more!



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