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United States Food Festival Section: Listed by State & Month

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Oregon >  Oregon, June Festivals

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Oregon:   January   -   February/March   -   April   -   May   -   June

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2025 Oregon - june 2025
Food & Wine Festivals, Food Shows & Events

(See also: 2024  -  2022  -  2020  -  2018  -  2017  -  2016  -  2015)


June 7, 2025
The Bloody Mary Festival
Portland, Oregon
All participating Bloody Marys; Food & beverage tastes from local companies; One vote for The People's Choice Award; Meet Bloody Mary lovers from around the world.  Temp tattoos, photos ops and more!

June 13-14, 2025
Coffee Fest Portland - Portland, Oregon
Oregon Convention Center.  Coffee Fest has been serving the specialty coffee and gourmet tea industries since 1992. Viewed by most as the best trade show in America and around the world specifically for those involved with retailing coffee, tea and related products. Coffee Fest continues to evolve and stay at the forefront of emerging trends.

2024 Oregon - june 2024
Food & Wine Festivals, Food Shows & Events
events waiting for new dates

June 16, 2024 - 73rd Annual Silverton Hills Strawberry Festival
Silverton Hills, Oregon
Since 1951, Silverton area folks have been enjoying this local tradition. Originally held at the Silverton Hills Grange Hall, we now celebrate in our local Coolidge-McClaine City Park. Held on Fathers Day, Strawberry Festival Hours are 11:00 am until 5:00 pm. We serve up a strawberry delight with biscuits and ice cream and a free second helping of strawberries, all for just $7.00! Strawberry shortcake desert is free for children 2 or under and 80 or over!


2022 Oregon - june 2022
Food & Wine Festivals, Food Shows & Events

events waiting for new dates

June 25, 2022 - 6th Annual Clackamas On Tap and Uncorked
Milwaukie, Oregon
5 p.m. to 9 p.m.  Featuring beer, wine, cider and spirits from over 30 local wineries, breweries and distilleries in North Clackamas. Food carts and lively entertainment on-site. Sara Hite Memorial Rose Garden.  In support of Meals on Wheels in North Clackamas County.

2020 Oregon - june 2020
Food & Wine Festivals, Food Shows & Events

events waiting for new dates

June 19-21, 2020  PIB: Portland International Beerfest
Portland, Oregon
PIB Is An Over The Top Beer Festival celebrating the world”s most legendary brewing styles and the nations that made them famous. Come taste over 200+ world-class beers from...Everywhere!.

2018 Oregon - june 2018
Food & Wine Festivals, Food Shows & Events

events still waiting for new dates

June 16, 2018  16th Annual Taste Of Klamath - Klamath Falls, Oregon
Eat, drink and be merry while enjoying the sights, sounds and tastes of the Basin. The Taste of Klamath is the social event of the year! The combination of fabulous food, delightful drinks, high spirits and socializing has made this inside-outside gathering one of the largest see and be seen occasions of the season.


2017 Oregon - june 2017
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events

events still waiting for new dates

June 24, 2017  Deepwood Wine & Jazz Fest - Salem, Oregon
Fabulous Willamette Valley Winemakers & Great Food in the exquisite Deepwood Gardens.  Soft jazz as you choose from over 75 different wines to sample. 3 Gardens of Wine, 2 Stages of Music, 1 Fabulous Event.


2016 Oregon - june 2016
Food & Wine Shows & Local Events

events still waiting for new dates

June 6, 2016  Annual Sasquatch Brewfest - Eugene, Oregon
Northwest Legends Foundation announces that the 2016 Sasquatch Brew Fest is CANCELED due to logistical and permitting issues with the initial chosen venue.


2015 Oregon - june 2015
Food & Wine Shows & Local Events

events still waiting for new dates

June 20, 2015 - Dutch Oven Cookoff - Eagle Creek, Oregon
Authentic history and  dutch oven cooking combine for the perfect day to visit the Philip Foster Farm. Come for a taste, or sign up to compete in the cookoff. Guests are welcome to visit, learn from contestants, and vote for their favorite dishes.

June 24-27, 2015  Whole Grains Summit 2015 - Portland, Oregon
An event to convene scientist, business, and health professionals from around the world to examine where we’ve been and where we’re going in the area of research on whole grains, dietary fiber and functional grain components.



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